The heart of Enhanced…..accumulating information from all the accounting modules to give you a truly meaningful financial picture. Budget tracking features allow for automatic budget reporting and maintenance. Transactions may be posted individually or by batches. Entries can be added anytime prior to posting…even after posting! Entries to a closed period are allowed.
Unlimited funds, journals, budgets, account segments and fiscal periods…clear audit trails are established automatically. Use your own pre-loaded g/l account structure for fund accounting or use ours (based on the Uniform System of Accounts for New York State). Our safe post feature will not accept out of balance entries, avoiding costly mistakes!
Enhanced Fund Accounting is “date sensitive” which means that transactions can be posted to past, present and future accounting periods. No special procedures for closing the general ledger at the end of a fiscal period or at the end of a fiscal year.
Accounting periods may be left opened if desired, and still allow proper financial reporting!
Running a trail balance for a given fiscal period will provide the closing option. If elected, the system will do all the necessary processing to automatically close the respective period.
You are not limited by forced procedures and “old system” rules. You are in control!