Payroll FAQ

I need to track Unemployment Insurance for my employees and need to enter a limit and a tax rate. How do I set this up in Enhanced?

Go to the System Utilities module – Data Entry tab – Add/Edit State Name & Sales Tax Specs. Select the state (i.e. NY). Enter the Unemployment Limit (ex. 8500) and the Unemployment Rate (ex. 2.5). Click Save then Exit. Now, go to the Payroll module – Reports – FUTA/SUTA. Check the State Earnings Report box and click OK

I calculated a payroll and noticed that an employee that should not be paid for this payroll run. How do I eliminate the employee from the current payroll?

Cancel out of Calculate Payroll and Print Checks and go to Add/Edit Time Card Earnings and Deductions. Select the employee that is to be eliminated from the current payroll, and click on the Earnings radio button. Click in the Pay Type box and press Ctrl and the minus sign (-) on your keyboard. The system will then confirm that you want to eliminate the record. Do this for all earnings’ records. Now, click on the Deductions radio button. Click in the Deduction Type box and press Ctrl and the minus sign (-) on your keyboard. The system will then confirm that you want to eliminate the record. Do this for all deductions’ records. Re-calculate the payroll.

A new employee I just entered is not showing up when I calculate payroll. What did I miss?

You missed setting up the employee’s income tax information. Go to Add/Edit Employee Income tax Specs and enter both the Federal and State income tax specifications by clicking on the respective radio button. Note: this can be done while in the middle of the payroll run. Once completed, re-calculate the payroll and the new employee will show up.

I verified all the setup information for an employee, but the employee still doesn't show up in the payroll. What's the easiest way to get the employee on the Time Cards and in the payroll run?

When an employee is not showing up on a particular payroll run, it usually has to do with the “last pay date” found in Add/Edit Employee Earnings and Deductions (Data Entry Tab). For example, when Adding a Standard Transaction to a Payroll run for a weekly payroll, and the Ending Date you entered in 9/16/02 – the corresponding date in the employee’s Add/Edit Employee Earnings and Deductions record should be 9/902 (7 days prior). The system will prevent an employee from being paid more frequently that 7 days for a weekly payroll, 14 days for a bi-weekly etc. Easiest solution: remove the date from both the earnings and deductions records found in Add/Edit Employee Earnings and Deductions. The system will rely on the Frequency (i.e. weekly) to process the respective employee, and will automatically assign an ending date for both earnings and deduction records in Add/Edit Employee Earnings and Deductions. An even easier way to “reset” the payroll dates would be to “Undo Payroll” (Actions tab). This feature simply eliminates the current payroll and resets employee earning/deduction dates.

One of my employee's earnings is doubling. Why is this happening?

Assuming that the last payroll was posted, the likely cause is multiple income tax records. Go to Add/Edit Employee Income Tax Specs and check both Federal and State records. If more than one “USA” or “NY is displayed, mark the second one “deleted”. Go to the System Toolbox module and click on “Remove Delete Tax Records” found under Payroll.

The "days worked" on the retirement report is screwed up for one of my hourly employees. What is the likely cause?

You have the hourly employee marked as “salaried”. Go to Add/Edit Employees and click on the Payroll tab. Uncheck the Salaried box. Note: Salaried employee records that do not have this box check will also have problems with the days worked on the retirement report. If using “electronic” NYS Retirement reporting (ASCII file) – corrections can be made by viewing the file prior to sending it to the retirement system.

I need to make an employee :inactive" for a short period of time, but would like to add them to a payroll in the near future. What is the easiest way to do this?

Go to Add/Edit Standard Earnings and Deductions. Select the employee and mark all the earnings and deduction records as “Inactive”. Be sure to remove the last paid and last taken dates from the earnings and deductions records. When this employee is to be paid again, simply return to Add/Edit Standard Earnings and Deductions and mark the respective records as “Active”. The employee will then be part of the next payroll that contains his or her respective “frequency” (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly etc.).

I started using Enhanced mid-year and need to enter year-to-date information for all of my employees. How is this done?

Go to the Systems Utilities module, Data Entry tab and select Initialize Payroll Earnings and Deductions. Select an employee; enter the last date the employee was paid from the old system, and the check number used by the old system. Click on the “Deductions” tab and enter any deduction description (i.e. union dues, NYS retirement etc.). Now enter the type and total y-t-d amount of the respective deduction. Click on the “Taxes” tab and enter the Federal, State, FICA, and Medicare amounts. Be sure to specify the State as NY and FICA and Medicare as “1” (under Jurisdiction).

I inadvertently selected an employee to be paid that shouldn't be paid. How do I get the employee off the Time Cared and out of this payroll run?

Go to the Data Entry tab and select Add/Edit Time Card Earnings and Deductions. Select the employee, then click on the Earnings radio button. Press Ctrl (on your keyboard) and the minus sign (located on the numbers row). Press Ok to confirm the deletion. Do this for all the earning records and deduction records. The employee will no longer be part of this payroll.

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